
zero to one

Zero To One – SUMMARY, In simple and easy words.

Peter Thiel’s Zero to One” emphasizes the importance of innovation in Business, arguing that it is not necessarily an improvement of only existing products, but from developing new products or services which can solve a problem in a very efficient manner absolutely done (going from 0 to 1) Thiel means that every moment in the […]

FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS- In a simple and easy way.

What is Fundamental Analysis? Fundamental analysis is a method to identify the Intrinsic value of an Asset by evaluating various factors affect it. The aim of Fundamental Analysis is to identify the True value of an asset compared to its Current market Price, And Finding out weather the Asset is Overpriced, Under-Priced, or Fairly Priced.

THE IDIOT INDEX – Described in simple and easy way.

what is idiot index? In simple terms idiot index stands for PRICE of a product to the Actual VALUE of the product The Idiot index shows the ratio of what something actually costs , to cost of manufacturing it which includes raw material , machines and human resources etc. LETS TAKE AN EXAMPLE FOR BETTER