
Codex Forster – Everthing you need to know about.

The Codex Forster is another significant collection of Leonardo da Vinci’s manuscripts, housed at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. The Codex Forster, like other collections of Leonardo da Vinci’s manuscripts, highlights the breadth of his interests and his remarkable contributions to multiple fields. It serves as a testament to his enduring influence on […]

Codex Atlanticus – everything you need to know about.

The Codex Atlanticus is one of the most extensive and fascinating collections of Leonardo da Vinci’s notes and drawings. Here are some key details about this remarkable manuscript: The Codex Atlanticus not only highlights Leonardo da Vinci’s artistic talent but also his extraordinary intellect and contributions to a wide array of fields. It remains a

TON 618 – Everything you need to know about it.

TON 618 is one of the most massive and luminous known quasars, powered by a supermassive black hole. Overview of TON 618 Significance Observations Summary TON 618 is a record-breaking quasar with one of the most massive black holes ever discovered. Its study provides crucial insights into the formation and evolution of supermassive black holes

Non Conventional sources of Energy- In simple words.

Non-conventional sources of energy , In an age where the impacts of climate change are increasingly evident, the need to shift towards sustainable energy solutions has never been more urgent. Non-conventional sources of energy, often referred to as renewable or alternative energy sources, offer promising alternatives to traditional fossil fuels. These sources not only mitigate

Western Ghats – A marvel of nature, in simple way.

The Western Ghats, also known as the Sahyadri Hills, are a mountain range that runs parallel to the western coast of the Indian peninsula. These mountains cover an area of approximately 160,000 square kilometers and extend for about 1,600 kilometers through the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu. Stretching majestically along


The Newton’s law of cooling is the governor’s convectional Heat transfer, in convection heat transfer occurs by actual movement of molecules due to difference in their density. It states that the rate of convectional heat transfer is proportional to the surface area and temperature difference. Practical Implications of newton’s law of cooling

mandukya Upanishad

Mandukya Upanishad – In Simple and Easy Way.

The Mandukya Upanishad is an essential text in the Atharva Veda branch of Vedic literature. Written in Sanskrit, this Upanishad is attributed to sages of the Vedic duration. It entails the exploration of the 4 states of the Self or cognizance: jagruta (the dozing state), svapna (the dream nation), sushupti (deep sleep), and turiya (the

C.V. Raman

C.V. Raman – His Life In Simple and Easy way

Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman ( C.V. Raman), FRS (7 November 1888 – 21 November 1970), was an Indian physicist whose groundbreaking work in light scattering earned him international acclaim. Renowned for discovering the Raman effect, his contributions to science have left an indelible mark on the field of physics and beyond. Born in Tiruchirappalli, Madras

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Earth Crust Displacement- In simple and easy Way.

What is Earth Crust Displacement Theory? Ever wonder why the Earth’s climate has changed so drastically over thousands of years? The Earth crust displacement theory suggests that shifts in the Earth’s crust and magnetic field could be key players. Here’s a simplified breakdown of this intriguing idea. Earth’s Crust on the Move! Magnetic Field and