kalki avatar

KALKI AVATAR- Described in simple and easy way.

Who is Kalki Avatar?

Kalki is the tenth avatar of Lord vishnu, who will incarnate at the end of kali yuga, To restore peace and humanity, and to defeat Evil and Ignorance.

kalki avatar

It is described that kalki will be born in a village names Shambala, to a brahmin family, : Kalki is often depicted as a mighty warrior, riding a white horse named devadutt which is give to him by lord shiva, kalki is trained by parashurama who a avatar of lord vishnu as well. Kalki is also believed to be a great teacher who imparts spiritual wisdom and guidance to humanity.

What is Kali yuga?

There are four Yugas according to hinduism and kali yuga is the last of the four yoga. It’s the shortest of all the yugas.

Kali yuga is dominated by kali purush, who resides where there is gambling , alcohol, gold and prostitution. Characterized by moral decline, chaos, and spiritual darkness. The kali yuga began when lord Krishna left the earth to be one with Lord vishnu. Kali yuga is a time when the moral values decline , humans are driven by superficial desires, jealousy, and selfishness.

Humans follow their own self interest harming other in the process, the humanity sees a large decline in basic moral values, leaders often manipulate their followers and societies believe a superficial ideologies which promotes lust, Evil, ignorances and greed. Seeking truth becomes a crime. A time when Humanity has no place. When Ignorance dominates.

Restoration of Humanity

At the End of kali yuga, kalki avatar of lord vishnu will incarnate and there is a war between the evil forces and lord kalki. Kalki’s primary mission is to reinstate dharma, or righteous conduct, in the world.

Lord Kalki upholds moral values, justice, and truth, setting an example for humanity to follow.Through his actions and teachings, Kalki is expected to transform society from one of moral decay and chaos to one of righteousness and peace. This transformation encompasses all aspects of human life, including social, political, and spiritual realms.

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