Public Awareness

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Samudra Manthan -described in simple and easy way.

WHAT WAS IT FOR? The Samudra Manthan is a pivotal episode from Hinduism narrated in ancient scriptures like the Bhagavata Purana, the Vishnu Purana, the Mahabharata, and others. It symbolically...

THE IDIOT INDEX – Described in simple and easy way.

what is idiot index? In simple terms idiot index stands for PRICE of a product to the Actual VALUE of the product The Idiot index shows the ratio of what something actually costs , to cost of...

The Sigma Males: 10 Traits described in simple and easy words.

WHAT DOES SIGMA MALE MEAN IN THE FIRST PLACE? The concept of Sigma male has captivated minds and stirred discussions across various social spheres. These individuals, often depicted as lone wolves...

BETA CHARACTER.AI- Described in simple and easy way.

What is Beta Character Ai? Beta.character.AI is an online platform in which a users can create their own ai character according to their needs, there is more to it , users can create a ai personality...

Throne of glass series in order-everything you need to know.

The “Throne of Glass” series by Sarah J. Maas is a popular young adult fantasy series that follows the story of Celaena Sardothien, a young assassin in a corrupt kingdom. Here is the...

How To Host A React App For Free

Hosting a React app on Netlify is straightforward and involves these steps:
1. Prepare your React App:
  • Build for Production:
    Run npm run build or yarn build in your React project’s root directory. This creates a production-optimized build in the build folder.
  • (Optional) Create a GitHub Repository:
    If you haven’t already, push your project to a GitHub repository. This enables continuous deployment.
2. Create a Netlify Account:
  • Sign up for a free Netlify account on their website.
3. Connect Netlify to your Repository:
  • Click the “Add new site” button and select “Import an existing project.”
  • Choose your Git provider (e.g., GitHub) and authorize Netlify to access your repositories.
  • Select the repository containing your React app.
4. Configure Deployment Settings:
  • Basic build settings:
    • Base directory: Leave as is (usually the root of your project).
    • Build command: npm run build or yarn build
    • Publish directory: build
  • (Optional) Environment variables: Set up any environment variables needed for your app.
5. Deploy your App:
  • Click the “Deploy site” button. Netlify will build and deploy your app.
6. Access your Deployed App:
  • Once the deployment is complete, Netlify will provide you with a unique URL where your app is hosted.
7. (Optional) Set up Continuous Deployment:
  • If you connected your GitHub repository, Netlify will automatically rebuild and deploy your app whenever you push changes.
If you’re not using a build tool like Create React App, you might need to provide a custom build command and specify the publish directory accordingly.
These are the hosted apps in netlify